Sunday, July 31, 2011

wedding dress inspiration =)

i so want that maja salvador dress, waaah! can't find a clearer link for photos though. screen shots are not so good, huhuhuh. =( help!!!

tito tom's prediction


tito tom predicted during their silver wedding anniversary that miko & moi will be the next in line. LOL! parang magkakatotoo kasi we scheduled our wedding on the 20th of august na, heehee. cute! =)=)=)

the garter & bouquet churva. =)april 2011, murcia negros occidental, phils. =)=)=)

Friday, July 29, 2011

marriage license & precana seminar


precana seminar july 27th.

the guy rolie or roy taught us the difference of a civil to a church wedding. why get married. where marrying originates. the seven sacraments. according to rolie or roy, marrying in church differs from that of a civil by the blessing the couple will receive from God, & the sacrament of marriage being activated. that marriage with a blessing is stronger to that of the non because the center of the couple is God. he reviewed us with the seven sacraments of the church. 1.) baptismal 2.) confirmation 3.) marriage 4.) holy orders 5.) anointing of the sick 6.) i forgot 7.) i forgot also

& that marriage is not a joke. it's a lifetime commitment. marriage is a gift from God--your wife or husband is to you. & by 30 or 40 there are challenges, difficult challenges because of bodily hormones, etc. that you should think what your husband or wife is feeling so you avoid hurting each other. that you should still date, & say i love you to each other often. you should still surprise each other occasionally even if there's no occasion. & that problems should not to be pabukas pa, you two should solve any problem on that same day that you two have a quarrel so hindi mag-add up. woOot!
i so love that lecturer. so true & so practical. =)

the same day, & during the afternoon, the priest gave us that same seminar. a part 2 precana. & told us that the only requirement to get married is LOVE. & that you love each other & with the blessing with God, nothing is impossible. he asked us one by one our own definition of marriage. i said it's a never ending commitment. miko said that it's a gift. =) & told us that the church is not anti-contraception, it's just that they are against artificial contraception, wOoOot! & repeat what rolie or roy told us about the sacraments. =)

i am ready.

scheduled our wedding on the 20th of august. we are all excited. heehee. =)


Wednesday, July 20, 2011


marriage license was released yesterday (19th of july) woOot! =) thank you civil registrars of bacolod, negros occidental. =)=)=) love love!!!

Friday, July 8, 2011

CENOMAR, check! =)


already got our CENOMAR yesterday from the NSO. error on miko's mom's first name, monaliz instead of monalie. i asked the guy who is working there to change it to it's correct spelling, wOoot! done. he said that for us to get a perfect spelling etc, we should write correctly & clearly the correct information. heehee. miko yawyawed. cute!

went to sm after. toiletries shopping at watson's. bought hair treatment from loreal & an elastic head band. =)=)=) photography book/magazine hunting at booksale. =)

pepperoni pizza delivery when we got home, *triple burp!* super busog men. =)=)=)

soon to-be mrs. ong----haahaa! =)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

pre-marriage counseling seminar

yesterday was the pre-marriage counseling seminar. it was kinda fun. =) 14 couples were present. heehee! 3 speakers. i love the nurse speaker though. she tells us real nice stories. one story is about a social worker who wore the fertility necklasce so she wont get pregs & for her to be reminded that it's her fertility day/s. her husband's nagpalag & wind up in kuga-in her with the fertility necklace. LOL! =D the seminar lasted 3 hours. we then proceed to sm to chow. mcdo date, meant sundae date, woOoot! sooOo love.

earlier yesterday was NSO for our cenomar. =D kfc love lunch. heehee. =)=)=) bought toiletries & stuff at sm.

cenomar will be released on friday
marriage license on the 18th of july, wOoOot!

tiring but fuuuuun

i love you beb, soOoo much


Monday, July 4, 2011

marriage license application


so we went to the government center earlier today. we already fill out the marriage license application, paid for it & we are scheduled to have the pre-marital counseling seminar tomorrow at 1 in the afternoon, haahaa! at the popcom (population commision) office, there's this questioner for each of the couple to answer. about building a family. financial matters & of course sex. LOL! one of the questions asked is if: what will you do if you're up for love making & your spouse is not in the mood? a.) get angry. b.) go to sleep c.) seduce him/her. LOL! we both answered B, but we joke each other about our answers. another question there was about jealousy. he answered jealousy is LOVE. i said, it's a sign of immaturity. =) heehee. im looking forward for tomorrow. more uncomfy questions are coming, LOL!

i love you beb, so much!


Friday, July 1, 2011

confirmed! =)=)=)


miko's confirmation yesterday. =) woke up early for the 9a registration. it was kinda fast, so we decided to go to nearest fast food to grab a quick bite while waiting for the 11am ceremony. jollibee breakfast, LOL! the pancakes' not that yummy, i still love love ko to's hotcakes. =) heehee. had hotdog meal, he got the steak breakky meal, love. =)=)=)

we were a bit late 'coz when we arrived at the cathedral, the ceremony already started. =) it was just a 30 mins ceremony. fuuun. miko didn't know what to do/say/respond to the priest, so the people working in the church assist him with everything. heehee. then the priest made the cross mark in his forehead. done.

tita mon was late, so as shobe & andre. L'sea & calea lunch after. we had fun with the story telling & quick window shopping. =)=)=) tita mon said that she really loves mah taste of clothes & stuff, that mah choices are really GOOD, wOoOot! anak ni wilma. my mom has the greatest taste, really. & that mah legs are "puti, puti" heehee. =) love it.

miko & moi went home ahead of them 'coz we are hoping that we could still abot the LBC man. the package arrived & cha dam! the simple digicam & nokia phone that dad sent me's here. love it even if it isn't the iphone that i've been asking him since last year, napamahal na daw sa kanya ang kanyang iphone & nahihirapan na shang matulog without it, haahaa! grabeh. the business permit, baptismal cert, confirmation & birth's here too. i soOoo love you dad, thank you very much. =)

we had this craziest fun in our room, LOL! gaga na michael ong. then booze while watching teleseryes. ZzZzZzz. =)=)=)

am the happiest person on earth, i think.

dearest miko, thank you for everything beb. i love youu so much. i know, you know that. wOOoot! mwaaaaaaaap!
