Wednesday, August 17, 2011


i can never explain how much I love you. It’s more than the smile that the thought of you brings whenever I wake up in the morning or whenever I sleep at night. Its more than the feeling that with you I can do anything. It’s more than me becoming a better person not only for you but for myself as well. I can go on and on and never pinpoint the reason for my love or the ways in which I could describe my love for you. you continue to make me fall for you with your warm smile, your kindness, and sige na nga... your sex appeal, plus the muffins. (haha) every day with you is pure bliss, a reassurance that we are meant to be together. everyday together yet you still make my heart beat faster and you still take my breath away. and i know that you’ll be doing that even when we’re too old or too tired or too busy. 

Thank you for being patient with me mik, for spoiling me rotten, for loving me unconditionally, for being with me through the many good times and for making the few bad times more bearable. I could have never wished for a better partner, a better best friend, a better love. You're my inspiration, my love. You have this uncanny way of reading my mind, of understanding my feelings even before I am aware of them, of knowing me as much as, if not more than, I know myself. The past months have been such a blessing, and much of it is because I have you in my life. You make me want to dream bigger, to laugh harder and to live life to the fullest. You asked me once, “How come we’ve only met each other in january of 2009? Why not earlier?” And I remember telling you, “People spend all their lives looking for their soul mates. I found mine when I was 23." I think we’re lucky already, babe. ours is a perfect relationship. yes, we fight every now and then, but at the end of the day, we know that we belong together and we continue to make the decision to love each other and to iron out our differences. you mean everything to me, beb. i’ll be crazy about you all my life. i love you. and yes, i will be your wife, i'll take care of you and i will never leave your side. Together we'll see the world, enjoy long walks under the stars and we'll never run out of things to tell each other along the way. Together we'll face our troubles, embrace our differences and resolve our problems. Through sunshine and "rain" we'll lace our fingers and as one we'll go through it all.

So, I, ANGELINE NICOLE MARIE PANCHO, take you michael angelo ong to be my bestfriend, lover and husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day. Today here in God's house, in the presence of our family, friends and for the world to know, I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.

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